Choosing The Right Retailers For Your Audience


As your YouTube channel continues to grow and your subscribers continue to increase you start to learn more about your subscribers. You may learn where they are from, what types of videos they like, what types of videos they want you to create, and where they like to shop.

For example if your subscribers are huge beauty fans they may have a Sephora rewards card. If you know this about your readers you can choose to create links solely to Sephora when it comes to beauty products.

Or maybe your subscribers love to shop at Target, because they can buy a multitude of products in one spot. They also may have a Target credit card and using this card helps them save money when they shop online at Target.

Do you have a tech channel? Your subscribers probably prefer to buy products at websites like New Egg and Amazon because they trust these sources and love to read reviews before making a purchase.

Wondering where your subscribers love to shop? Why not ask them and find out? Ask them in your next YouTube video or send out a tweet asking them. Once you receive their responses you can make sure to link to their favorite stores through MagicLinks. This makes the shopping experience easier on them, and puts some extra cash in your pocket!


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