Meet MagicLinks User Aysha Abdul!


Name: Aysha

YouTube Channel: Aysha Abdul

Location: Toronto, Canada

How long have you been vlogging? I started making youtube videos back in 2011 so it was been about 4 years now!

How long have you been using Magic Links? I’ve been using Magic Links for about 6 months now.

What is your favorite thing about Magic Links? My favourite thing about magic links is how many retailers are available to find links for. It makes it super simple for me to link all the products I use in my makeup tutorials or all the items I haul.

What feature do you find the most useful in Magic Links? I find the “link wizard” feature the most useful because all I have to do is type in the name of a product and it generates the most relevant link for me.

What advice would you give other Magic Links users to get the most out of the program? Make sure to link every single product in the description of your YouTube videos and mention in the video that you do so because it will make it a lot easier for your viewers to find the products your talking about and it will generate a quicker sale for you.

Have any pets? We love pets here at MagicLinks! Nope.

Favorite Magic Links Retailer? My favourite Magic Links Retailer is sephora and amazon. Sephora offers super high commission which is great because I get to earn more money by simply linked the products that I use from Sephora. Amazon is awesome because they literally have every possible product (or close enough) on their website.

How did you get into vlogging? I started watching YouTube videos in 2008 and was so obsessed with the beauty community I wanted to see if I could do it myself. One day I decided to just do it, and so I picked up my camcorder and recorded my first video. I am so glad I had the courage to start.

What are your favorite topics to vlog about? My channel is mostly beauty based so naturally my favourite topics to vlog about are makeup, makeup and more makeup!

What is one of the best comments you have received on one of your videos? It’s hard to narrow it down to just one, but one of my most recent favourites was when a girl said that she “literally drops everything” she’s doing as soon as I upload a new video because I was her favourite YouTuber. Comments like that just make my heart melt!

Where is your favorite place to shop? My favourite place to shop for makeup is Sephora, but for clothing it is Forever 21 hands down. 90% of my closet is from Forever 21 haha

What’s the best deal you’ve scored in the past month? Thanks to Sephora’s recent VIB sale I got 20% off both the Makeup Forever Ultra HD Foundation and the Makeup Forever Pro Sculpting Duo!

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